Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Paris - Day 5

Day two without M and K. So we did a little more sleeping in. I see a pattern here.

Finally we got motivated to eat. We went to a restaurant recommended by our good friends the Shewbrooks called Beauvilliers. We each had the fixe-prix menu.

J had:
La salade de Petits Gris légèrement Crémés au Cerfeuil
"Vitelottes et Charlotte au Jus de Volaiile"

L'onglet de Veau au Sautoir
"Confits d'Echalottes, Jus de Rôtis Beurre Noisettes"

Le Fondant au Chocolat
"Crème Glacée au Basilic"

C had:
Les Frites de Cochon Croustillantes au Poivre Long
"Vichyssoise de Topinambour"

Struite de Pleine Mer étuvée à l'Ail Doux et Choux Fleur
"Croûte de Tomme au Cantal"

Le Fondant au Chocolat
"Crème Glacée au Basilic"

Since we have no idea what all that means, I can just tell you that it was just about the best damn meal I have ever had. I don't know how they do it but the French can sure cook the dickens out of some food. If they fought like they cook they would control the world.

From here we went up to Sacre-Couer. When I say up I mean up. The stairs to get up this hill rival those of Notre Dame. But it is worth it when you finally reach the top. The church is beautiful and the people are much more respectful here than at Notre Dame. While the church is a sight to see the real spectacle is the square across from the church. It is a haven for the starving artist. As you walk up there two or four men with sketch pads come running at you wanting to sketch you. We were saying Non! Non! but they keep coming. I am used to this, having to fend of the hordes of female admirers has become a way of life for me. However, J is not used to this kind of attention and was a little freaked out. Regardless we bought some good art and had a grand time watching the vultures swooping around the tourists.

Tired from walking up and down Montemarte, J and I grabbed some pizza. But once again the French amazed me by putting an egg on my pizza, which was actually quite good. These bastards are damned creative.



Pictures from Montmarte.

1 comment:

Pernie said...

I am enjoying these tidbits of your trip. The pictures are really nice. Weather does look like it's improving. I suspect with all this great food, you will be cycling when you return!