Sunday, March 30, 2008

Paris - Day 1

After our naps, we figured we would be as touristy as possible. So we walked on down to the Tour Eiffel with everyone else in Paris. We did not go to the observation deck or to the top but they must be giving away Euros up there based on the lines. After marveling at the beauty of the worlds largest piece of steel (which of course the Parisians hated until they noticed it was attracting world attention), we decided to head back to Montparnasse for some dinner.

There is a nice restaurant across the street form the apartment called Chez Fernand that J and I had eaten in last time we were here. It is very good if you order the right thing. Last time I ordered the liver and it pretty much tasted like liver, which is foul. But being the forgiving and go -with-the-flow kinda guy that I am, I agreed to give old Fernand another run. So we went and were promptly seated and we even got an English speaking waiter. I figure there is no way I could order wrong this time, I don't even have to pretend to speak French. Well friends for once in my life I can say that I am batting a thousand at something. I am 2 for 2 on the most disgusting meals every to be invented by man. In fact I question if these meals were invented by man. M and I ordered the same thing, which we thought was going to be Beef Bourguignon. Instead we got some cut of meat that was supposed to be like a back-strap and was explained to us as avery special cut, a favorite in France. Let me just state that I love France. I am a self admitted Francophile. But i can not understand what in the hell these people eat sometimes. This cut of meat smelled like a dead deer, had the texture of a pigs ear, and tasted like horse squeeze. Literally! We told the waiter we had ordered the Bourguignon and he apologized and brought some out for M. I was to nauseous to eat anymore meat. I thin they were just trying to pass off the rotten horse stomach they had in the back on the dumb Americans. But, to finish up the meal J and I had a chocolate pie that was exquisite.

We came back to the apartment to find that for some reason our key would not work. We couldn't get in the apartment. No big deal right, if your at home. But being in France not knowing anyone and not speaking the language presented a bit of difficulty. We tried to climb through windows, we called the Sisks (the owners) in America, we even started asking strangers on the street to help get a locksmith. Finally when we were about to kick the door in K said a prayer and the key worked. Thank you Jesus.

Once we got in the apartment everyone went to bed and slept like babies, except for me. I was scared the horse or dog or whatever I ate was going to come after me to get his stomach back.

Au Revoir


There are no pictures of our excursion to the tour Eiffel because my little camera is broken and M did not bring any computer cables. But to see what it looks like click here.

1 comment:

Pernie said...

What did you do, sleep all Day 1??