Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jacksonville to Paris

We left M and K's house at 1:00 on Friday March 28. Late as usual. We rushed toward the airport only to be caught in good 'ol Jacksonville traffic. The kind where everyone slows down to look at the abandoned car on the side of the road. We arrive at JIA about an hour and a half before our flight. Which is good for International flights, because they suggest that the latest you should arrive is 2 hours before your flight. Luckily we found a superb parking space and the ticket lines were not too long. However as Delta is want to do, they had overbooked the flight.

The flight to Atlanta was fine until the decent for the landing. To say it was a bumpy ride would be an understatement. K almost lost her lunch. We make our way out the International terminal, where by the way they have a lady playing a grand piano in the food court, I thought possibly the flight to Atlanta had caused me severe jet lag and I was hallucinating. We decided to grab some crappy airport food which would be a thousand times less crappy than the crap they pass off for food on the flight. B y the time we got our food our flight was leaving as we were running for the gate, which of course was as fara away form the food court as it could be. Now I know what Pheidippides felt like. We did make the plane, but we were the last to board.

What a great plane it was. It was similar to sitting in a sardine can. If J or I wanted to move we had to coordinate it like a Grande Ballet. Then Delta was nice enough to give us screens in the seat-backs to watch movies, t.v., etc. The only problem was J's didn't work and mine kept rebooting itself. Eight hours is a long flight with out some sort of distraction. At about the 4 hour mark I decided I had had enough and wanted to jumpo out of the plane. Luckily J talked me out of it.

Our arrival into CDG was smooth and our bags were waiting for us at baggage claim. Why can't the people at JIA figure out how to get your bags to baggage claim like their comrades at CDG. We had ordered a car service and a nice American from New Mexico picked us up, he gave us a quick tour of the city and some great tips on how to enjoy our stay.

We walked up the stairs into the apartment, marveled at its beauty, and all collapsed for a nap.

Au revoir


For pictures of the apartment in Paris click here

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